May52017Piano Tuning EducationI just think this is a really pretty picture (I took) of a really nice piano maker’s logo. (Park City log cabin ceiling reflection.) Category: Piano Tuning EducationBy DuncanMay 5, 2017Leave a commentPost navigationPreviousPrevious post:Julie Hewlett’s Mason & Hamlin BB NextNext post:Hammer Flange RepinningRelated PostsWhy does a piano go out of tune?April 10, 2022The Value of Being a Piano TunerApril 5, 2022Gluing an Old Piano PinblockDecember 28, 2021Why are we called the Gilded Piano?October 23, 2021Real ivory keytops? How to tellOctober 8, 2021Joshua Bell ConcertSeptember 23, 2021