International PTG Atlanta Convention Press Release
I had an awesome time at the 2014 International Institute of the Piano Technicians Guild in Atlanta, Georgia. (click the link HERE (or above) for the Press Release.)
The name tag (picture below) brings back a lot of memories and good feelings to me – and it all represents service that I am either currently involved in, or was involved in during Convention.
1. I am currently serving as the Chapter President for the Utah Valley Chapter of the Piano Technicians Guild, hence the cool pin.
2. I attended Council (basically the governing body of the PTG) as an Alternate Delegate, Keith Kopp, RPT being the Delegate. It was an extra two day commitment where we had the chance to represent our local Chapter when voting on bylaws, etc; hence the yellow ribbon.
3. And lastly I helped out a lot with giving tuning exams to those striving to become Registered Piano Technicians, hence I was given a black Examiner ribbon by the exam committee chair, Marc Poulin. That basically means I spent a lot of time in the exam room assisting in administering tuning exams.
It was quite an opportunity because I was able to spend multiple days with some very accomplished piano technicians (Jack Stebbins (MA), Atsundo Aikawa (NY), Alan Crane (KS), David Conte (TX), Marc Poulin (VT), Keith Kopp (UT), and others) working side-by-side giving exams. The experience and insight I learned has been invaluable! Thanks to all those with whom I was able to rub shoulders and serve!
p.s. Every year there is ONE technician selected who has been nominated, based on their service in and contributions to the piano technical industry, to receive what is called the Golden Hammer Award. Rick Baldassin, of our own Salt Lake City Chapter, was selected as the one Golden Hammer Award Recipient this year. He gave a great speech – very moving. Congratulations Rick!